Dental Bonding – California Dental Insurance
California Dental teeth care, Eating after dental bonding
I just got some dental bonding on five teeth. However, I did not ask my dentist if it was okay for me to eat anything. Or if I needed to wait. If so for how long do I need to wait after having bonding done? I need to know.
Reply: You don’t have to wait after your appointment to eat or drink. However, you may experience slight tooth sensitivity to heat and cold after teeth bonding for a few days afterward. To prevent staining, try to avoid or keep to a minimum coffee, tea, soy sauce, colas, grape juice, blueberries, fresh cherries, and acidic foods like citrus juices and tomato sauce.
You may want to call your dentist that did the bonding for any aftercare instructions which they would typically give you at the time of your appointment.